Why Invest In Point to Point Microwave Link
10 August 2018
Staying connected is so important for businesses these days as we’re so reliant on not only having an internet connection but having one that is reliable and powerful. Downtime in connectivity is simply not an option as this could seriously impact productivity and profit. If you have more than one business premises, having streamlined connectivity between them can be costly and impractical unless you have a point to point microwave link, the answer to sharing a connection between nearby buildings efficiently.
Why is Connectivity so Important for Businesses?
Loss of connectivity costs businesses greatly and with many companies moving their whole IT infrastructure to the cloud which is reliant on the internet, a strong connection is needed more than ever. Connectivity affects everything from IT to phone systems which means communication between staff and customers via email, telephone or social media depends on an internet connection, as well as how data is managed and even creating a simple document. A disruption in this connection often means you have to down tools which lowers productivity and can affect profit.
Working from two premises can pose problems as building an infrastructure in both can cost a lot of money and time. If you work from two premises the internet performance of one building shouldn’t be better than the other. Luckily point to point microwave links provide a solution to sharing internet between the two with no digging involved!
What is Point to Point Microwave Link and How Can it Help Businesses?
A Point to point microwave link provides a wireless connection between two or more nearby locations when a wired connection is not possible. Installing a wired internet connection into a building can often mean a lot of hassle, time and money due to building work, but as point to point links are wireless there’s no building work involved.
These links are just as reliable as a wired connection, and are secure, fast, flexible and scalable. In business, time is of the essence so a way of installing an internet connection without any disruption to business operations is beneficial. Setting up a point to point microwave link takes half the time of installing a wired link and is less intrusive. Plus, point to point links are much more cost effective and will save your business a significant amount of money from building work and leased lines.
A point to point microwave link is the smart way to stay connected in business, particularly between multiple locations. You’re saving money, time and receiving a faster and more reliable internet connection, and the results from this can be seen in the increase in productivity and profit that is sure to happen with more efficient and streamlined connectivity.
Point to Point Microwave Links From ICT Solutions
You should acquire the expertise of an IT management company such as ICT Solutions to install your wireless link and ensure you have the best solution that is tailored towards your business. At ICT Solutions we’re experienced in designing and installing wireless networks and have solved connection problems with point to point links for a range of businesses. If you’re having connectivity issues, a point to point microwave link could be your solution. Get in touch with us by calling 0151 230 2424 to find out more about this service.